Actor: Become anactor. Airline Captain: Become anairline captain. At Inner Peace:Work 75 years as amonk. Candywriter: Work for BitLife. How to work for BitLife in BitLife CEO: Become aCEO. Dentist:Become adentist. Doctor:Become adoctor. Fire Chief: Become afire chief. Jack Of All Trades...
Become a millionaire You can start a first-generation life whenever you’re playing BitLife. A first-generation life is a brand new character and not a descendant of an original character to ensure you have a fresh start for the challenge. For those with the premium BitLife purchase, you can...
The ultimate fusion of casual or hyper-casual simplicity layered with mid-core depth. This genre redefines mobile gaming with low barriers to entry and a high skill ceiling to provide accessible yet engaging experiences. These games often include features such as progression systems, upgrades, or l...