and programming can be fun and rewarding (mentally, spiritually and financially). This guide does not promise to give a magically easy way to becoming a programmer, and the ordering of the steps is not sacred, but you'll get a general outline of how to become a programmer...
Carefully select the technologies you want to work with. Aim to become an expert in a couple — but competent with many. Research skills carefully and you can future-proof your career. I’ve answered a question about this on Quora, which you may want to take a look at. Always follow co...
I'm here to tell you some amazing stuff which teacher would never tell you. - niudai/How-to-be-a-good-programmer
This article presents some ideas on how to become a better programmer. You will also find out how your company can help you with this endeavor. With that said, read on and become a better coder.# Continuous growth means challenging tasksTo challenge yourself as a developer, and learn good ...
How To Become a good Programmer? 首先问你一个问题: 你们在学校都学些什么课程?问这个问题的原因是,我认为学校的计算机科学基础课很重要。如果你所在学校的课程设置 合理,那你应该先把主要精力花在这些基础课上。很多学生看到基础理论就茫然,不知道这些图表,符号,甚至硬件的知识对将来的软件开发有什么用。用处大...
I just join this platform for near a month, I have seen the most asked question is : how can I become a good programmer? I think the simplest way to make your programming better then before is to practice more, like you count 1+1. Practice more, and you will become better. And her...
I'm here to tell you some amazing stuff which teacher would never tell you. - N1bouGuH/How-to-be-a-good-programmer
Maybe not, but is your current job right for you? At least as a programmer you will probably get good pay, regular working hours, job security, flexibility and more. But I can’t right now because… There is nothing stopping you. Literally. Nothing. If you have access to some sort of...
翻译github上How to be a good programmer 前阵子github上有这样一个star很多的工程HowToBeAGoodProgrammer 讲了作者对于如何成为一个好的程序员的一些观点,觉得很不错, 于是这几天都在翻译,整个工程的github地址 现在翻译完成(不过感觉还是英文原文更流畅啊,翻译的这份可以作为借鉴)...