To become a Navy fighter pilot requires you to complete a process to end up among the best pilots in the world. All naval pilots are officers, so the first step will be to get an officer's commission. With a commissioning source secured, you will start to compete for the coveted accepta...
NOT just anybody can make it as a fighter pilot. You need to be fitter and more robust than a Formula 1 driver to be able to deal with extreme g-forces. You need to cope with doing several things at once. You need to have fast responses. Plus the secret ingredient -- natural ...
There is no doubt that the structure produces top-notch aviators. For example, a Private Pilot candidate needs 40 hours to take the Private Pilot checkride. If successful that pilot can then fly VFR in a single engine airplane. In fact, the national average is approximately 60 hours to take...
播放 Landing an F-35B Lightning aboard a ship at sea is not as simple as pulling alongside and then setting down from a hover. Numerous procedures, policies, and contingencies come into play, which is why it's always a good idea to have a trained LSO monitoring the approach....
East Jerusalem was to become the capital of the nascent Palestinian state; the ‘Holy Basin’ was to be administered by a five-member, international trusteeship comprising Israel, the PA, Jordan, the US, and Saudi Arabia; and NATO forces were to be deployed in the Jordan Valley in lieu of...
Today we’re going to talk about aviator watches. As a pilot in the US Air Force I’ve always had a keen interest in aviators’ watches and I’m going to share my insights and observations to help you choose your ideal timepiece. There isn’t any one style that defines an aviator wat...
Well, at the pressures and temperatures generated at Mach 2.5+, most jet engines become hugely impractical -- and utterly pointless. Even if you could make one work, doing so would combine the hazards of running a windmill in a hurricane with the pointlessness of hauling a wave machine to ...
Researched the legal considerations around operating drones commercially, including whether they neededdrone insurance, as well as everything that was required to become FAA certified as a commercial drone pilot Looked into the kind of equipment they needed, which included finding the right camera for...
Air Force pilot John Boyd developed this framework while studying fighter pilot techniques in the 1950s, recognizing that the ability to acquire and act on information rapidly would become more important in modern warfare. His mastery of quick decisions earned him the nickname “Forty-Second Boyd....
Become less reliant on numbers.Data is an important measure of success, but decision making involves people with emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Ideally, staff should feel passionate enough about the project to see it through to completion. In other words, “no-go” decisions owing to lack ...