There are multiple routes to becoming famous in BitLife. Some of them are easier than others. You can choose to take on a career to become famous, such as becoming aprofessional athleteor by a famous singer or musician. Alternatively, you can earn fame by becoming a renowned individual throu...
You can go down several unique career paths in BitLife. One of the more notable ones you can choose to go with is becoming a famous rapper, which requires a lot of dedication to your talent. You’ll want to try fostering your character’s talents early so you can jump into them quickly...
How to work for BitLife in BitLife CEO: Become aCEO. Dentist:Become adentist. Doctor:Become adoctor. Fire Chief: Become afire chief. Jack Of All Trades:Have 10 careers in one life. How to get the Jack of All Trades Achievement in BitLife Judge: Become ajudge. Last Resort: Seduce your...
Related:What Does a Prenup Do in Bitlife? – Answered To put this into perspective, I used this to instantly become a famous country star on one of my characters. While she still had to practice the guitar and pass auditions as a solo artist, I didn’t have to create any albums or p...
For those who want to explore their musical side in BitLife, you’ll need to dedicate yourself to a specific instrument of your choice or to become a famous singer. It takes quite a bit of practice and a lot of dedication. If your character’s album sells enough, they can eventually rec...
You have the option to undertake the challenge of learning how to play instruments in BitLife’s Music Update. There are a wide variety of instruments to learn, and you can choose to do them leisurely or become a superstar if you select the correct instrument. For those looking ...