Entering the legal profession is no small task, so the choice to become a lawyer should not be made lightly, experts say. Getting a license to practice law in the U.S. generally requires years of strenuous effort and often involves acquiring significant student loan debt to cover thecost...
A person who wishes to practice property law will need to have a degree in math or a technical science such as computer science, electrical engineering, chemistry, or biology. The reason for this is that a property lawyer has to sit for the patent bar as well as the bar which requires a...
Well, then perhaps you should look at how to become a lawyer. A typically high paying career, law is the ultimate goal for many hard working students and to achieve your goals you will need to attend undergraduate school for 4 years, after which you must attend law school for 3 years, ...
After a few years, you may want to think about gaining a promotion or starting your own law office. It may be time for you to become a judge, or even go back to school to earn a Masters or Doctorate in Law. Whatever you decide to do, you will likely have an opportunity if you ...
How to Win Your Case in Traffic Court Without a LawyerJanet Trakin
"I knew a paralegal profession would be perfect for me because I enjoy everything having to do with the law," she wrote in an email. "I would say someone who wants to become a paralegal should love the law a great deal." How to Become a Paralegal According to McClure, there a...
Also, as most Nigerians lack enough information about the law and their constitutional rights they become easily swayed by these supposed legal practitioners who are supposed to stand up for them. It is very important to get legal advice first, before going ahead with any court case whether suc...
“The answer dependson what method of legal service delivery the new lawyer wants to provide: traditional delivery, online delivery, or a hybrid of the two. The cost to launch a traditional, bricks-and-mortar law office is going to be greater than if the lawyer uses cloud computing to cond...
Most-trusted law course since 1997. Case winning tactics. Sample legal forms with step-by-step explanations. How to win in court without a lawyer.
Pay it by mail, or go to court and see if you can get it thrown out. Sometimes you can win all by yourself. Your insurance rates are part of your decision. Although a lawyer or para may cost more than the fine, it will still be a bargain if getting the ticket tossed, stops your...