Mr. Lai was a world-famous rock climber once.He taught others how to climb.However, Mr. Lai had a car accident several years ago. The accident made him unable to move his legs. Since then, he has needed to use a wheelchair (轮椅) to get around.But Mr. Lai couldn't give up his...
While all climbers aspire to reach the top of a pitch, getting back down is every bit as important. Lowering on belay is what most of us do when we start climbing. Rappelling is another essential skill, though, for you to become a well-rounded climber. ...
These days, you can find a highly qualified instructor at your nearest climbing gym. It’s also easy to find AMGA-certified guides in pretty much any place with significant climbing. Because we now have a stringent standard for certification, you can be assured that your guide will be able ...
Maybe you had a partial tear. Maybe yours was complete. Maybe you had reconstruction surgery, maybe you didn’t. You may feel overwhelmed, but it is important to realize that you are not alone in this process. There have been climbers in your position before you, and unfortunately there wi...
Enroll and become a certified expert to boost your career.Ice Mountaineering − Hand ChangingDuring the process of mountaineering, very often an athlete needs to change his position of hand in order to move to another place or to give rest to his other arm. An athlete can use second axe ...
s got a V5 boulder problem crux, a long section of 5.12b, and a bad rest right before the hard sequence.” Ourvarious grading systemsattempt to make sense of the path up a certain section of rock. But grading is inherently subjective and varies based on personal experience, climber type,...
Now that your valves are in top form, let’s move on to the exciting part – attaching the pump and getting those tires ready to roll. Mastering Pump Head Attachment Alright, it’s time to get hands-on and make sure your pump and valve become the dynamic duo they’re meant to be. ...
You’ll even find programs that provide free airfare and housing along with yourteaching salary. Spin and hop the globe,consider getting TEFL certified, and watch as your dreams of getting paid to travel become your day-to-day reality. ...
Photo: Epoxy glues are made of two substances that become sticky only when you mix them. Often they're packaged in a pair of syringes joined together, like this.Adhesives are designed to work when they leave the tube—and not before. Different adhesives achieve this in different ways. Some...
AS OF DECEMBER 27, 2020, the Appalachian Mountains’ largest gorge is officially a national park. The New River Gorge National Park and Preserve in West Virginia is the 63rd national park and has some of the country’s best whitewater rafting and rock climbing. The ability to do both here...