To become a nun, one must be Catholic, female, unmarried, and sane. Women who are not virgins can become a nun. Women who have been previously married and are divorced may not generally become a nun unless they have received a divorce or annulment from the Catholic Church. They must pro...
Becoming a nun involves an intense training period, as well as lots of personal sacrifice. You must take a deep look inside yourself to know if you're cut out to be a nun. If you feel a strong calling to do this and would like to learn how to become a nun, then keep on reading....
This same God Who bestowed Brother Nathanael with the courage to become a REAL JEW who has accepted YESHUAH BEN JOSEPH as the TRUE MESHIACH and SON OF GOD, can certainly bestow you with enough humility to become a REAL CATHOLIC by returning to the TRUE CHURCH of the first undivided ...