The family turns to see -- A DRUNK MAN teetering toward the semi-basement window. Their faces slowly fill with dread. CHUNG-SOOK How many times did I tell you? We need to put up a “No Urinating” sign. KI-TEK It’ll make them want to do it even more. It’s psychology. ...
“No one is immune to the disease of addiction,” warns Katherine Ketcham, the coauthor of thirteen books, including Teens Under the Influence: The Truth About Kids, Alcohol, and Other Drugs – How to Recognize the Problem and What to Do About It and the bestselling classic Under the In...
I have been on the other side.When I had my second baby I only had one dress to wear and it wasn’t even a maternity dress. I had to wear a dress four or five times a week and it was embarrassing to have to wear the same thing over and over. I had a neighbor who decided to...
Taking it inside is necessary in rainy climates and if you don’t have a spare bedroom or dining room to convert, think about creating a studio in yourbasement or garage. I like the idea of a garage studio as you can open the door on nice days allowing lots of sunshine and bright lig...
Just a thought here concerning propane. Don’t EVER take a propane container indoors, very bad idea. I have seen many people do this, if there is a leak, the propane being heavier then air will stay at floor level or go into a basement. If the propane finds another ignition source, ...
So I texted Sheepdog in the basement: “Any chance you can go get <Kid D> from school? I’m showering.” His response: “Right now?” I’m literally in the middle of a shower. I’m wet. And cold. I have soap in my hair and my eyes. For cripe’s sake: “Come up please.”...
which has so many medicinal and culinary uses can’t be beat. Another big winner is my kale. The plants are gorgeous and this is one nutritional powerhouse. I have dried three Excalibur loads so far. It will keep well in the garden for several more months anyway but I love the convenien...
Toneless repetitive beat beat beat. I don’t think it moves up or down enough notes to constitute an octave. Gads it’s awful. Now it’s playing a “slow” song version of the same crap. It’s too distracting. It’s so bad. ...
One day, I asked Deborah why she chose to eat her meals alone rather than with other fasting guests. After a beat of silence, she told me that she was getting some negative vibes from another guest, and that she felt that it was best for her resting experience to stay away from that...
McClellan loved rock’n’roll in high school, having seen the Yardbirds on the eighth floor of the downtown Dayton’s department store, but gave his records to a neighbor upon entering college. Readying himself for a lifetime of public service—he worked for ...