One of the best things about Elden Ring is the shear amount of customization one has when deciding how to build their character. The possibilities are endless, from hulking sword swipers, defensive shield users, to the extremely effective casting builds. In order to become a powerhouse of spel...
With the shortcut opened, head back to the smaller courtyard and take the elevator there upwards. Directly in front of you at the top will be a set of double doors. Push them open and you'll findRennala, Queen of the Full Moon. To learn how to beat her two phases, click the follo...
Unless you’re on a low-level character, Radahn is a fairly simple boss. He’s a cakewalk if you’re anywhere near strong enough to fight Mohg or are at the right level to startElden Ring’sexpansion. Kill Mohg, Lord of Blood Remember to bring the Purifying Crystal Tear to negate h...
Elden Ringgives you numerous AI-controlled companions, in the form of Spirit Ashes, to aid you in battle. There are dozens of Spirits you can summon in boss battles to fight alongside you. But knowing which Spirit Ash, and where to find them, ...
you'll find a little crawlspace that takes you into the Crystal Tunnel. It's a dungeon that you'll have to get through — there are a lot of Smithing Stones to collect in there, too. At the end is a boss,Crystalian. Once you beat her, you'll get theSmithing Miner's Bell Bearing...