Technology vs. Preponderance : The Question of How to be VictoriousJohan Hansson
We need warrior-like courage to be able to face and accept defeat from time to time, and to transform our suffering and confusion into wisdom. Like champions in boxing or the martial arts, we have to accept some defeats and be willing to learn from them in order to be victorious in the...
Its name comes from the Sanskrit word “ujjayi,” which means “to conquer” or “to be victorious.” Therefore, it is also often referred to as “Victorious Breath.” Because of the sound it makes when performed correctly, this breath is also sometimes called “Ocean Breath” or “Hissing...
When I’m thinking about a good friend of mine who is a very victorious person I notice that he was interested in really a lot of activities and hobbies. Furthermore, he was able to add valuable information about all different kind of topics to a conversation. He knew that knowledge is ...
Remembering & Recalling Critical Information BecomesEasyWith This... Stop needlessly forgetting! Enter your email below to get instant access to myexclusive coursethat will show you how to MASSIVELY improve your memory so you canremember important conversations, what you read, and even learn new ski...
Plus, it’s always good to have an audience! I like to think of being a victorious drag queen as an art form. It’s all about the passion and drive you to bring to the stage—with the right attitude and preparation, you can be unstoppable!
"Friends, difficulties in itself is not terrible, terrible is you don't have the courage to overcome it. Smile the face of it, and come up with your wisdom, you will be able to do as I am invincible, ever-victorious, become difficult to beat the ever-victorious general!
And this time, finally, I would be victorious. It was then that I found my healing angel, a magnificent TCM (TraditionalChineseMedicine) practitioner who restored my health. I am forever grateful to him. There’s no cure for my chronic condition, I had to make peace with the fact that ...
“Techniques such as affectionate belly breathing (which focuses on stomach muscle movement), victorious breath (a breath regulation technique which constricts the throat slightly) and even tension release through sound (making an “ahh” sound on the out breath) can help relax the nervous system ...
Friends, difficulties in itself is not terrible, terrible is you don't have the courage to overcome it. Smile the face of it, and come up with your wisdom, you will be able to do as I am invincible, ever-victorious, become difficult to beat the ever-victorious general! 5 已赞过 ...