43:19 22-教学录像-How to be True to Yourself(3) 37:36 23-教学录像-How to be True to Yourself(4) 37:15 24-教学录像-Is an Only Child a Lonely Child(1) 37:28 25-教学录像-Is an Only Child a Lonely Child(2) 37:07 26-教学录像-Is an Only Child a Lonely Child(3) 36:59 27...
How-to-be-true-to-yourself-说课PPT课件 Unit11HowtoBeTruetoYourself AnIntegratedEnglishCourseBook1 - 1 Contents •Part1Analysisofteachingmaterial•Part2Teachingmethods•Part3Studyingmethods•Part4Teachingprocedure - 2 Part1Analysisofteachingmaterial (1)Statusandfunction(2)Teachingaims(3)Teachingkey...
demandofneedorrequireinordertobesuccessful 1.Thefactoryisingreatdemandofsteeltokeepupproduction.那个工厂需要大量钢铁以维持生产。2.Thecourtwillbeadjournedforanhouraccordingtothedemandofthedefense.根据被告及其辩护律师的要求,法庭将休庭一小时。3.Theopponenthasdemandedthatallthefactsbemadepublic.theIntegrityTriad...
综合教程1Unit11HowtoBeTruetoYourself Unit 11 How to Be True to Yourself 制作人:张少林 OBJECTIVES 1.Learn 81 new words and expressions and some special language points 2.Grasp the main idea and structure of the texts 3.Develop critical thinking ability through the further discussion on the ...
unit 5- how to be true to yourself-lecture 1.ppt,Unit 5 How to be true t0 yourself by Denis waitley An Introduction to the Author Denis E. Waitley (born 1933), is an American motivational speaker and writer,consultant and best-selling author. Waitley cla
Text1HowtoBeTrueto Yourself?DenisWaitley Pre-readingActivityFilmepisode1 Pinocchio QuestionsforComprehension:1.WhatdoesFairy’s“arealboy”connote?2.WhatroledoesFairyhopeCricketto playinguidingPinocchio'sbehavior?Pre-readingActivityFilmepisode2 DeadPoetsSociety Questions:1.Whydidallthestudentsstandup?2.Whydidn...
21-教学录像-How to be True to Yourself(2) 1205 播放围观主义 围观主义 收藏 下载 分享 手机看 登录后可发评论 评论沙发是我的~选集(153) 自动播放 [2] 2-教学录像-Never Say ... 2.2万播放 41:11 [3] 3-教学录像-Never Say ... 2080播放 43:30 [4] 4-教学录像-Never Say ......
Unit-5-How-to-Be-True-to-Yourself Unit5HowtoBeTrue toYourself 第1页,共66页。❖Warming-upactivities 1.Idioms 2.Pre-readingquestions 第2页,共66页。I.Idioms Idiom1 meetone’sWaterloo 1)IhavenevermetmyWaterlooinmylife.我一生中从没有遭到过毁灭性的打击。2)Imetmywaterlooonthatday.在那一天...
UNIT 5 HOW TO BE TRUE TO YOURSELF Unit 5How to Be True to Yourself课件 How to be true to yourself unit5-how-to-be-true-to-yourself讲解学习 大学英语综合教程Unit5_How_to_Be_True_to_Yourself 1-unit5 how to be true to yourself答案综合教程一 unit 5how to be true to yourself(for stu...