9. Be willful 任性 10. Be hard to compete with 难以与之竞争 11. Build a network 建立网络 12. You get rich by owning things 你通过拥有东西而致富 13. Be internally driven 以内部为导向 山姆·奥特曼博客原文 I’ve observed thousands of founders and thought a lot about what it takes to mak...
How To Be Successful|如何成功 bySam Altman |山姆·奥特曼 我观察过数以千计的公司创始人,并且反复思考过什么样的人可以挣到巨额财富,或者作出重要创造。通常来说,人们出道的时候是期盼前者(即巨额财富),但是最终还是想要后者(即作出重要创造)。 下面是关于如何获得非凡成功的13点方法。这些方法对于已经取得一定成...
Airbnb is my benchmark for this. There are so many stories they tell that I wouldn’t recommend trying toreproduce(复制)(keepingmaxed-out credit cards(刷爆的信用卡)inthose nine-slot three-ring binder pages(九槽三环活页夹页)kids use for baseball cards, eating dollar store cereal for every ...
因为她/他们坚持的时间足够长,长到了运气的降临。 Airbnb 是这方面的一个标杆。他们告诉我太多这样肯定没人想要再次经历的故事(刷爆了放在那种孩子用来收集棒球卡的9格活页夹里的所有信用卡,每顿都会吃一元店里麦片粥,一次次地跟强大的既得利益作斗争诸如此类)但是他们最终还是存活到了好运来临的时候。 要想意志...
Most highly successful people have been really right about the future at least once at a time when people thought they were wrong. If not, they would have faced much more competition. Self-belief must be balanced with self-awareness. I used to hate criticism of any sort and actively avoided...
Most highly successful people have been really right about the future at least once at a time when people thought they were wrong. If not, they would have faced much more competition. Self-belief must be balanced with self-awareness. I used to hate criticism of any sort and actively avoided...
Mr. Oda:Since this service is still relatively new to Japan, I would like to see more people become familiar with and use this service. I would like to see people experience a unique memorable stay as a “guest” at one of the location listed on Airbnb and feel great about their stay...
However, Daniel Cabrera, owner of Sell My House Fast SA TX and advisor to many Airbnb entrepreneurs, advises caution when working with programs like Airbnb Arbitrage. “While Airbnb Arbitrage could be very profitable and doesn’t require any upfront ownership of a property, there are quite su...
Unlocking the Secrets Behind Airbnb’s Financial Success Airbnb has revolutionised the hospitality industry with its innovative platform that connects property owners and guests from around the world. By offering unique accommodations and experiences, Airbnb has become a household name. But how exactly...
You may have heard about people earning big bucks sharing their home with travelers through Airbnb practically being an Airbnb host. You might even be part of the Airbnb community already. You are if you ever used the service to find a place to stay for yourself in the past. Should you...