Final thoughts About the book How to be a Researcher provides a strategic guide to the conduct of a successful research career within a university environment. Based on the author's extensive personal experience, it offers down-to-earth advice, philosophical guidance, and discussions of the ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】How to Be a Researcher: A Strategic Guide for Academic Success》,作者:,出版社:Routledge。最新《【预订】How to Be a Researcher: A Strategic Guide for Academic Success》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在Dan
How to be a qualified researcher LIU Rong-jin School of Materials Science Wuhan University of Technology 2009.11 Prologue I am still a beginner so far in my research field and have no excellent results The purpose of this report To share some ...
这次分享Steve Bromley的《How to be a games user researcher》第三章节内容,也是这个系列的最后一篇了。 分享内容包含了我个人的思考与总结,如果有需要欢迎购买原著进行细致的阅读~ 书分为三个部分,分别是: 游戏开发过程:着眼于游戏开发过程,并消除了一些关于游戏如何制作的误区。它的目的是为那些之前没有在这个行...
[听力原文]22-25M: So how come you chose psychology W: Well, at lust I didn’t have any clear idea of what I wanted to do after university, I didn’t say to myself "I want to be a clinical psychologist or a researcher or anything like that". (22) I suppose I have just always...
第1讲 How to be a Good Researcher(一).mp4 第2讲 How to be a Good Researcher(二).mp4 第3讲 How to b
最近找到了游戏用户研究的新书了,很喜悦。这本书由Steve Bromley 撰写,于今年2月份发售,书中饱含他多年游戏用户研究经验,文字通俗易懂,是一本非常不错的入门书籍。 我是一名用户研究人员,但非游戏方向。 在…
Doing Research in Prison: How to Resist Institutional Pressures Most methodological issues you encounter when entering the field of prison as a researcher are common to other settings for research on institutionalised so-called 'deviants' (like hospitals, therapeutic communities and identifica- tion ....
be frequently rejected, your scientific grants and scholarships may often be unsuccessful and, in most cases, your hypotheses may be proved false. Despite the failures, the experience of scientific discoveries is joyful and priceless and might make you resilient, opening a window to the e...
000 a year.Some scientists run huge groups that have budgets equal to those of small corporations.Dr.Jerome Groopman, an AIDS researcher at Brigham and Women‟s Hospital in Boston, said his group of about 50 people had an operating budget of $2 million a year.“It‟s clearly a ...