Malicious deepfakes share something in common. They play on emotions. And they play to biases as well. By stirring up excitement about a “guaranteed” investment or outrage at the apparent words of a politician or public figure, deepfakes cloud judgment. That’s by design. It makes deepfake...
Accordingly, in a rare experimental study on deepfakes’ effect on political attitudes, less than fifteen percent of participants doubted the authenticity of a deepfake video of a politician shown to them (Dobber et al., 2020: 78). Deepfakes’ increasing quality also means that many can no ...
Politics is also big business in New Hampshire—not so much economically as socially. Until recently, New Hampshire has been famous as the site of the first primary election of every presidential campaign, a status that is currently being challenged. According to popular belief, the politician ...
Bangkok had already shown impatience with ASEAN’s muddled approach that had been marred by giving Laos, which just finished its one-year term as ASEAN chair and handed over to Malaysia, the exclusive prerogative in appointing ASEAN’s chief interlocutor with the Myanmar regime. In addition, the...
How to say Zeng in English? Pronunciation of Zeng with 1 audio pronunciation, 1 meaning, 7 translations, 1 sentence and more for Zeng.
What happens when a politician attempts to tacklefood waste? Well, if you are a politician in Great Britain, you get rotten tomatoes tossed your way. In fact, when Environment ministerRichard Benyonclaimed that Britons were wasting about £50 GBP (or about $77 USD) a week, he kicked up...
On a steamy night earlier this summer,about a thousand people poured into a public square in Athens to cheer on Greece’s leading left-wing politician, Alexis Tsipras. Tsipras was in the waning weeks of his term as Prime Minister—and trailing in a race against a pro-business opponent. ...
Zero achievements for Trotskyism as a distinct political force that broke away from mainstream Leninism in the 1920s: under Lenin’s direction from 1917 Trotsky was intermittently a highly ruthless and effective politician. But what Trotsky taught his followers was how to fail and blame others, ...
I don’t see a single politician down there who is going to change the trajectory of the region. Southeast Asia is the Latin America of east Asia, basically, and that is their political choice . . . they are relative economic failures though they have made significant economic advances ...
Self-consciousis an adjective which means having self-awareness, usually meaning being unduly worried about how one appears to others, embarrassment. Examples Mr Cameron said the West Bromwich East MP should “examine his conscience” for comments about former Conservative politician Lord Brittan. (Th...