As partners, you are tied together. The glow of her happiness and satisfaction will reflect on you, as will her unhappiness and dissatisfaction. If you genuinely understand this, you will behave toward her in ways that help her to feel safe, cherished and fulfilled. You will naturally want t...
To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is, well, a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything. It liberates us from pretense, humbles us out of our ...
that are preparing her to become a man, in a later lifetime. She has grace and elegance, WITHOUT arrogance; is 100% feminine (soft; warm; affectionate and loving); is self-sacrificing and humble, towards her loved-ones and people in general; is modest about her body, ...
The travel blog revenue kept coming, we stayed humble, kept working, always thinking about how to diversify, how to keep living the dream. Google tweaked a few things which damaged my business model a lot about 5 years ago, more than halving my revenue, so although profits went down, I ...
He described his new game in a news post on his site as a break from the "more humble" approach of Stardew Valley. "I wanted to explore more fantastical possibilities… experiences that take you beyond the ordinary. That’s where magical haunted ghost chocolate comes in." "With Star...
Learn to love learning Help others achieve their potential Be humble Question everything Know thyself Believe in providence Be courageous Remember death (memento mori) Seek eudaimonia, not happiness." - Shane Sorensen, Renaissance Wisdom: How to Flourish in the Modern Day, 2022. Twelve...
Also, remember that we ourselves may have erred in similar or equally inexcusable ways, and should therefore be a bit humble when we regard the mistakes made by others: “When you are offended at any man’s fault, immediately turn to yourself and reflect in what manner you yourself have ...
By exploring these resources, you can find the support, understanding, and strategies needed to face the challenges of estrangement or difficult relationships with adult children. These tools may help you process your emotions, foster self-care, and even work toward reconciliation when possible. ...
But we don't belong to other people wholikeour pictures. I belong to a God wholovesme, and so do you. Next Steps to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Experiment with a break from social media for 90 days. See how refreshed you feel toward the end of the challenge. ...
Thinking we were comfortably on top of this humble request, my wife and I began searching for the Wii two weeks before Thanksgiving. We quickly found, however, that Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster is easier to locate than the elusive Wii, especially one on sale. ...