Investigate financial aid options sooner, rather than later: You should already have a solid idea of how you're going to pay for college well before the first day of school. Mark the application deadline for the FAFSA on your calendar (you'll want to do so for each year you plan to r...
Not understanding whether to file as a dependent or independent student It's also important to make sure you're not leaving spaces blank and that all the information you've included is accurate. Double-checking each page of your FAFSA before hitting submit can help you spot any errors and co...
Whether it’s liberal arts or something else, you are on track to discover your likes and dislikes in college. << Part 5: How Independent Are You? Part 7: How Socially Conscious Are You? >> Tags: colleges, education, students, college admissions 2025 Best Colleges Search for your...
This tool gives a quick estimate based on just a few data points, such as family income and number of family members. Just keep in mind this is an estimate only; your actual FAFSA results take a lot more into account and will likely be different. Important changes to FA...
For parents to electronically sign the FAFSA®, access information about your financial aid, and more, they will need to create a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID.
Filling out the FAFSA is crucial for college-bound students, as it unlocks access to grants, work-study, and federal loans. Don’t miss your chance at financial aid—learn why the FAFSA matters, what it covers, and how to complete it to secure support fo
Bankrate is always editorially independent. Table of contents Who counts as a parent on the FAFSA How to fill out the FAFSA if your parent is deceased What to do if your parent died after filling out the FAFSA How life insurance affects financial aid Any student seeking financial aid...
FAFSA, CSS Profile, IDOC, Oh My: A Guide to Financial Aid How to Evaluate, Compare, and Leverage Financial Aid What Does It Mean to Be Independent on the FAFSA? Curious about your chances of acceptance to your dream school? Our free chancing engine takes into account your GPA, test score...
Typically, if a college's financial aid office considers the student a dependent – which is the case for most college-bound students – residency is based on where the family lives. Since most prospective undergraduate students aren't considered financially independent, it's diff...
Generally, all you have to do to be eligible for grants is fill out the FAFSA (more on that later). However, don’t forget that states and private organizations also offer grants in some cases. You’ll need to do your own research to find these, as the full range is too broad to ...