Learn to have a conversation without wasting your time, without getting bored, and, please God, without offending anybody. We’ve all had really great conversations. We’ve had them before. We know what it’s like. The kind of conversation where you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, ...
5、nds than we are to talk to them face to face. weve all had really great conversations. weve had them before. we know what its like. the kind of conversation where you walk away feeling engaged and inspired, or where you feel like youve made a real connection or youve been perfectl...
is a journalist, public radio host, and professional opera singer whoseTED Talk on conversationshas been viewed over 10 million times. She recently sat down with Heleo’s Editorial Director,Panio Gianopoulos, to discuss what makes a conversation good, how to connect with friends and strangers...
Be ready to share your real thoughts and opinions. A. Put the person in his/her best light B. Embrace differences while building on agreements C. Your best asset is your true personality, so don't cover it up D. Below are some timeless rules I apply to all my conversations E. unless...
romantic partner and inquire about that. When I stopped asking BS stuff like, “So do you come here often?” and started asking “What music are you into?”“What are you passionate about?” and “Do you consider yourself a sexual person?” my conversations went from stale to stimulating...
every single outing because while the talk hadn’t changed, I had. I was in a different place in my career, having different conversations and struggling with different things. As such, the talk sparked whole new trains of thought, as well as reminded me of things I knew but had ...
eavesdrop(iːvzdrɒp)动词:偷听,窃听柯林斯英语释义:If you eavesdrop on someone, you listen secretly to what they are saying.例句:The government illegally eavesdropped on his phone conversations. The housemaid eavesdropped from behind the kitchen door. 本剧语境:Karl听到Simone打电话,隐约猜到她在...
— Give in to the pressure to fill silences. Even though gaps in a conversation can feel awkward, silences do serve a function — they give both the speaker and listener thespace to processthe information being shared. This can ultimately lead to deeper, more thoughtful conversations. ...
Good or bad, at some point you'll need to leave a conversation you’re in. As rude as it seems, this is a crucial part of practicing how to be a good conversationalist. After all, you can’t practice what you’ve learned about starting conversations if you’re stuck talking to one...
Try to say what you hear as much as possible. The more you listen, the better you learn. After you reach a higher lev-el, start having conversations(对话) with yourself in English. This will le a d you to think in English.( B )34. The best way to think in English is to A. ...