How to be an Effective TeacherDrs. Harry K. WongRosemary T.Wong
推每荐位老师读一读这本: 《The First Days of School: How to Be an Effective Teacher》 全最球畅销教的师用书,销超量过400万册!最专业,最权威,最统系的教培师训第一书。首公度开成功教的学最大秘密,汇全集美100名最优教师20年功成教学智慧,建构了一套整完的高效教能师培训统系和教师质素与能力升提...
First you play the role of li yang fang and then the role of Susan you partner Mike has and Kim sun you are at the airport to meet you visitor you know each other so great you visit first talk with him and then take him to the hotel. Pledged to meet you representative someone answe...
1. 成功源自开学第一天 在开学第一天,就把和学生有关的教学事务和生活事务安排妥当,定下各种常规的应对办法,培养学生良好的学习和行为习惯,能够为学生的成功打下扎实基础。 倘若第一天让学生体验到了井然有序的班级管理和教学秩序,让学生充分体验学习过程并有获得感,后续学生就很有可能继续维持这种良好的“第一印象...
Students get distracted very easily, to keep their minds on the task at hand enlist parents to designate a "quiet zone" for homework where there are NO interruptions. Sources: Wong K.H. & Wong R.T (2004).How To Be An Effective Teacher The First Days Of School. Mountain View, CA: Ha...
The University of Nevada, Reno also provides a comprehensive education that combines deep knowledge in your chosen subject (like history, math, or biology) with the pedagogical skills needed to become an effective teacher. Students an also add even more expertise by combining the program with a ...
Math isn’t just about getting the right answers; it’s also being able to explain how students got there. “It’s essential that students learn the correct mathematical vocabulary so they can clearly explain their reasoning and thought pr...
How to be an Effective EFL Teacher by David Martin Over the short history of the ESL/EFL field various methods have been proposed. Each method has in turn fallen out of favor and has been replaced with a new one. Audiolingualism, functionalism, communicative paradigms, and now thefadis "ta...
To be an excellent learner, first of all, we should have a strong interest in learning. Interest is the best teacher. For example, if you are interested in English, you will be more willing to spend time on it. You will read English stories, listen to English songs or watch English mo...
Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? Instructional Strategies for Teaching Math 9chapters |84lessons Ch 1.Standards & Planning for Math... Ch 2.Creating an Effective Math Learning Environment Starting the School Year Off Right ...