How to Be an Antiracist 要么抵抗,要么合谋,不存在中立 Ibram X. Kendi被查出患有癌症,并且已转移。他还年轻,刚刚开启三口之家的幸福生活,研究美国种族与歧视政策的事业才渐入佳境。显然,直面癌症的挑战并给予迎头痛击是他唯一的选择。即使是在被病痛与药物反应折磨的日子里,Kendi仍坚持思考与写作。他发现,抗击...
How To Be An Antiracist is a confusing, frustrating book that fails to make a convincing case that "antiracism" is the best, or even a good way to fight back against racism. It's as if Kendi was given free reign to write whatever he wanted, and no editor ev... (展开) 1 1 2回...
今年由于“黑命亦贵”运动在美国各地的如火如荼,我因之颇读了好几本相关书籍,都非常喜欢。How to be an anti-racist(如何做一名反种族主义者)这本书我听了两遍。一遍是在旅途中,几乎是如饥似渴地听完。第二遍则是细细地听,怕错过一点环节。真的非常非常喜欢这本书!它很质朴、很诚恳、很真挚、很激情澎湃。
Buxton, Rachel T.Ainley, DavidBlight, LouiseCragg, JennaSaenz, BenjaminMarine Ornithology
but rather operates within the current racial structure. An exploratory research design that incorporated 20 in-depth interviews was used to examine contemporary racialized discourse around video footage of police brutality. The results indicate that white Americans did not use colorblind rhetoric to expla...
This finding was bolstered by interviewees who explained that parents sparked their initial interest in engineering, but noted that teachers provided important advice about what it takes to be an engineering major in college. This suggests that students with familial alters (particularly those who ...
Analyses focus on youths' conceptualizations of antiracism, and their recommendations on how to facilitate an intentionally antiracist YPAR. We answer the following questions: (a) How do YOC engaged in a YPAR project conceptualize and define antiracism? and (b) How do youth and adult allies ...
They quickly became the company's Free Antiracism Expert." She outlines 10 questions, in her words: (1) How do you define an antiracist organization? (2) Who are your antiracist initiatives supporting? (3) Are you centering this work on those who are marginalized, not on those who have ...
How to be an antiracist teacher educator in the United States: A sketch of a Black male pedagogic provocateurTeacher educationCurriculumBlack studiesRaceEquityIn the United States, scholarship on antiracist teaching in teacher education abounds. Extant research irradiates how antiracist pedagogues practice...
Via the pages of Fraternity, Edwards reassembled this inter-imperial formation as an antiracist one, relying on reprints from the African American and British colonial press. Building on Caroline Bressey, I argue that Edwards extended the journal's function as a "relay station" for the colonial ...