A Mind For Numbers8.5 So Good They Can't Ignore You8.1 Learn Like a Pro8.3 The Book on Writing8.4 What Smart Students Know8.4 Deep Work8.2 Breakthrough Rapid Reading8.3 Make It Stick8.4 Mastery8.6 Atomic Habits8.8 我要写书评 How to Become a Straight-A Student的书评 ···(全部 26 条) ...
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Cal Newport•虽然今年大学毕业了但我会想起来会觉得自己大部分事情都没做好所以我想看看如果有一个机会我可以如何修正自己的行为这本书的出现给了我机会·总的来说Cal Newport教给学生们成为一个有计划性和organized的人因为大学是忙碌充实的所以如何合理利用时间格外重要·本书分成...
本书书名:How to Become a Straight-A Student?(如何成为尖子生) 副标题是:The Unconventional Strategies Real College Students Use to Score High While Studying Less(真实大学生借以在更少时间获得更高分数的不同寻常的方法) 本书的核心问题(Question)及结论(Conclusion): 大学生如何提升学习效率?如何在更少时...
I wanted to share these secrets with other students, and thus the idea for this book was born. Soon I was sending out more questionnaires to more straight-A students at colleges around the country, until I gathered enough responses, from students with enough different backgrounds and majors, ...
How To Be A Straight A Student The following article is written in a collaboration with Dr. Catthob, a well-known researcher in productive learning based in San Francisco, California. Achieving straight-A grades is a goal that many students strive for, but it is not always easy to achieve...
How to Be a Straight A Student in CollegeMany first year students drop their average grades by 20%, but that does not have to happen. Find outhow you can do that.Study ahead of time. Take the time to look at what you will be learning in classes. Memorize thedefinitions for certain ...
Then read Cal Newport’s book. About Cal Newport Cal Newportis an author, and an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University, holding a PhD from MIT. “How to Become a Straight-A Student Summary” Some people consider their college years to beat the best time of their ...
makesure youareIwas. Tags:howtobecomeastraight-astudenttheunconventionalstrategies,howtobecomeastraight-astudentthe unconventionalstrategiespdf MoreeBooks: the-vintage-book-of-tobias-16149985.pdf introduction-to-law-beth-walston-38804731.pdf the-civil-war-a-narrative-volume-1-fort-shelby-13664491.pdf ...
所属专辑:How to become a straight A student 声音简介 Keep in mind: If you find a piece of advice that doesn’t quite fit your needs or circumstances, that’s okay. In fact, you should expect this. Each of the students I interviewed for this book had his or her own unique take on...