如何成为一位杰出的工程师How to be a star engineer(2) 出处:不详 Robert E. Kelley, University (Robert E. Kelley, "How to be a star engineer," IEEE Spectrum, pp. 51-58, Oct. 1999.)翻译:马仕毅 九个工作策略 好了,如果你是一个希望能够提高生产力,增加自己智能资产的工程师。你该如何做才能...
如何成为一位杰出的工程师How to be a star engineer(1) 出处:不详 Robert E. Kelley, CarnegieMellonUniversity (Robert E. Kelley, "How to be a star engineer," IEEE Spectrum, pp. 51-58, Oct. 1999.)翻译:马仕毅 在1985年,我被问了一些问题,从那时起,我就开始找寻真正的答案。提出问题的是贝尔...
“A product manager is someone who typically tries to address problems faced by a group of people using a solution that can be monetized and that creates value for both its users and the business building the solution,” explains Axel Sooriah, a product management evangelist at Atlassian. Oin...
If you want to be abadproduct manager, focus on how your product’s requirements should be implemented. You need to make sure that not only the right features get implemented, but that they get implemented in the right way. If you don’t specify it, someone else will decide how to do ...
(Robert E. Kelley, "How to be a star engineer," IEEE Spectrum, pp. 51-58, Oct. 1999.) 翻译:马仕毅 在1985 年,我被问了一些问题,从那时起,我就开始找寻真正的答案。提出问题的是贝尔实验室(那是仍然是AT&T的一部分,现在属于 Lucent Technologies Inc.)。贝尔实验室由全世界最好的大学中聘用了最...
Product Design. You don’t need to have technical design skills to succeed as a product manager, but you should know the fundamentals of product design. You should be able to put together a rough plan for the design of a product, which can then be shared with the design and development ...
We provide in-depth advice on how to get a product manager job. We dive into side projects, networking, and more in this guide.
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Organizations of all sizes are searching for qualified prompt engineers to develop, test and refine their artificial intelligence systems. Is this
You need to be ready to work long hours to get the job done, as engineer and record producerGordon Raphaellearned when he worked with The Strokes. They hired him to record three of their songs over three days. And right at the point when he was “dying to go home, dying to sleep,”...