In the civilian self-defense world, there are two basic paths to becoming a firearms instructor. 1 Both paths have something to recommend them, and both have some pitfalls or shortcomings to watch out for. The two traditional routes to becoming a defensive firearms instructor for regular people...
When you find a class or two you want to attend, email the instructor if you need more information. If allowed, drop by one of the courses you are interested in ahead of time and watch it for a bit to see how the course is run. If you have the opportunity to see the firearms ins...
Receive instructor approval through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission. Firearms instructors who have been approved through the OPOTC training programs to teach at an Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy qualify to be instructors under the Ohio Carrying a Concealed Weapon Law. OPOTA requires new...
As afirearmsinstructor, it drives me crazy when people who should know better use the term ‘clip’ when they mean ‘magazine’ and ‘magazine’ when they mean ‘clip.’ Even more when people believe that they are the same thing and use the words interchangeably. They are oblivious to the...
Dry fire training is the act of practicing weapon handling skills without actually firing a single round of ammunition. Given the market price increase on ammunition, dry fire training has been the best way to practice, with time being the main investment. While dry fire training can be used ...
Should you be at ground zero at the next event, may you end things before they become the next headline. Blending in is an integral part of this preparation. Salvatore Salvatore is a firearms instructor, competitive shooter, and life-long practitioner of the concealed carry lifestyle. He ...
commission to meet professional training and safety standards. Recruits attend the academy for 12 to 24 weeks before going out into the field. Recruits will usually draw a salary during this period. Academy courses may cover topics such as criminal law, community policing, firearms training, and ...
You can give the firearm to some gun club or firearms instructor for use in firearms trainingIFthe recipient has an appropriate license.This can help shooting sports by making it easier to deliver programs and training.Many of those involved in delivering firearms training do not have the resourc...
However, we must emphasize that firearms shouldn't be put away or reholstered if you still face an active threat. While it certainly is important to mitigate the risk of being shot at by police; it is a moot point if you lose the fight with your attacker so only put the firearm a...
Course, the most prestigious sniper training available. This topic wasn’t covered there when I went through which is likely why none of us as snipers took the time to get this adjustment right and why most of my sniper students when I was a sniper instructor didn’t have it right either...