What is a documentary film? Documentary films are powerful tools that capture actual events and tell stories that deeply resonate with audiences. As filmmaker Truen Pence puts it, “Documentaries have always been a way for me to live vicariously through a subject. When I started making them, it...
“Not everything has to be a finished film; not everything has to be good. But that’s the way you train your eye and advance your craft,” notes filmmaker Vladan Nikolic (“Allure,”“Bourek”). 6. Network. Attend film festivals and industry events, join relevant groups and ...
for a documentary film can be difficult for a new documentary filmmaker, and there are many mistakes that new documentarians make. Getting a bad interview can result in unusable footage or create headaches in post-production as you try to cobble your footage together in a way thatRead More ...
Join a filmmakers chat room such as the D-Word, Creative Cow, DVXuser or a documentary filmmaker's LinkedIn group or Reddit group and pitch your project. (Be aware that you never know who’s going to respond, so make sure you fully explore their films, experience and references.) Got ...
As news articles proclaim a new era in the history of documentary films, more and more new directors are making their first film a nonfiction one. But in addition to posing all of the usual challenges inherent to more standard filmmaking, documentaries also present unique problems that need to...
“Fuyao Group") opening a factory in the US, won the 2020 Oscarfor Best Documentary Feature and brought the company and its chairman, Cao Dewang, global recognition.The film is an intimate portrai of ife in the factory in Dayton, Ohio, that had once been a GeneralMotors (GM) car ...
Todd: So for a filmmaker, or documentary personnel, how do you get your money back? 托德:那电影制片人和纪录片摄制人员是如何赚钱的呢? Jeff: Getting your money back in not easy. Getting a portion of your money back in not easy. If you're lucky, if it's a good documentary and it's...
If this is your introduction to Linklater and his work, here are a few highlights you must know; Linklater helped launch the 90s indie film renaissance with his film Slacker. The producer, director has juggled the TV, film, short-film, and documentary genres seamlessly over his career – ty...
Todd: So for a filmmaker or documentary personnel, how do you get your money back? Jeff: Getting your money back in not easy. Getting a portion of your money back in not easy. If you're lucky if it's a good documentary and it's a good idea and it's something and audience wants...
Want to learn how to create a successful and impactful documentary? Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned filmmaker, here are all the essential tools, tips, and templates you need to make your documentary a reality.