How do I bathe my baby? Learn all there is to know about ensuring the best care when bathing your baby, from bath temperature to the best care products.
A good old sponge bath is the best way to clean your baby during the first few weeks. Your baby will likely still have their umbilical cord stump, which we need to care for the best we can. While this area is healing, keep it as dry as possible. That means no tub bath if you ca...
How to swaddle a baby Here's how to use a swaddling blanket. Choose a thin, soft, square blanket that's large enough to wrap around your baby. Lay the blanket (so that it's diamond shaped) on a flat surface, and fold down the top corner about 6 inches to form a straight edge. ...
Many parents look forward to their baby's first bath. Learn how to give a newborn a bath, with tips on keeping the routine safe and fun.
Most babies love to take a bath, but if the baby has had an unpleasant bath experience, or the mother chooses the wrong bath time, or the baby feels uncomfortable, the baby will resist bathing.
Many parents look forward to their baby's first bath. Learn how to give a newborn a bath, with tips on keeping the routine safe and fun.
How to Give Your Newborn a Sponge Bath 1. Provide Reassurance Take a few minutes to talk to your baby about their day as you prepare for the transition to bath time. Now undress their, except for their diaper, and wrap their in a towel. ...
The first few times you bathe your newborn can be a bit tricky, but you'll soon be a pro. Here's your guide to giving your baby her first bath.
When Will Your Baby Be Ready for His First Tub Bath? After your baby’s umbilical cord stump falls off, you can transition from sponge baths to actual baths in a sink or ababy bathtub. His first bath in a tub should be gentle and quick; however, you might need to go back to sponge...
ParentsNeed | Baby bath time is a routine and most parents include bath toys and games to make their little one's bath time a happy one!