but they can reduce scars and help the wound heal faster. If you do use an antibiotic ointment, apply it to your skin one to three times a day and then cover with a clean bandage.
If earthquake happened, firstly, don’t panic and calm down. Secondly, find some safe place to stay and don‘t run in such a hurry. If in the room, one should hide himself/herself under something hard, such as desk, table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard, and never...
Swimming with a nose piercing bump is not advised. Both chlorine in swimming pools and bacteria in natural bodies of water can potentially irritate the bump, delaying the healing process or even causing an infection. If you must swim, consider using a waterproof, breathable bandage to cover the...
Not only help me on the bandage, also comfort me. This is the first time I have been helped by my classmates! Even though I knew it was okay to deal with the wound, my heart was sweeter than honey. After the drug on my hands and legs, not so much, Yuan Jingshi asked me: "stil...
Covering your wound with a sterile bandage or other dressing can help protect your injury from infection or further damage.BAND-AID® Brand productsare available to help and can be easily applied. Do Not Pick a Scab Picking or removing them before they’re ready to drop off can interfere ...
Boilsare often caused by a bacterial infection, most commonly staph (Staphylococcus aureus). Up to 80 percent of people will have staph bacteria on their skin or in the nose at some point in their life. Most of the time there are no symptoms of boils. This is called being colonized. Abo...
When you slow down quickly on a motorway because of a hazard ahead. First Aid To stop bleeding without the aid of a bandage apply pressure to the wound and, if possible, raise it. If an accident victim has a burn, you should try and cool it, with clean, cool, non-toxic liquid, fo...
Clean the wound using soap and water. Wash gently to get rid of any dirt on or near it. Apply a clean cloth or gauze to a cut that is bleeding. A little pressure should help stop the bleeding soon. Bandage the cut using a sterile Band-Aid. Take a mild painkiller such as paracetamol...
Once the splinter is out, clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water or a saline wound wash and apply antibiotics and a sterile adhesive bandage to prevent infection. Note: If the injury is larger than a puncture wound, see ourphoto tutorial on how to treat a gaping wound. ...
Apply antibiotic ointment once the pus has drained, and bandage the abscess.Bacitracin ointment is commonly used as a home remedy and works well to treat lanced abscesses. Continue using warm compresses a couple of times a day for at least three days to ensure all the pus drains from the...