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Despite this, there are female trailblazers across the globe breaking the glass ceiling and empowering other women to succeed. We’ve rounded up some of the most inspiring women in business and channeled their advice and words of wisdom into mantras you can take into the workplace to help you...
Here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about how to work and communicate asynchronously in a remote work environment. Learn more!
There were 2.46 billion active social media users across the globe in 2017 and unsurprisingly this number is set to rise to around a third of the entire world’s population by 2021! So getting in front of the growing audience is vital. Social influence Top companies use popular influencers...
Xi has been emphasizing the need to balance epidemic control and economic development over the years. On March 29, 2020, when he inspected coastal Zhejiang Province, Xi visited Ningbo-Zhoushan Port whose throughput had recovered to normal levels due to the timely measures it adopted to resume pro...
indicators of an inflationary environment. While there can be commodity-specific market conditions that counter overall inflation, such as a bumper crop, in general commodities move with inflation and can balance out the dampening effect that inflation may have on other assets in an investor’s ...
to reduce risk in a stock portfolio geared toward income generation. Thus, the low-volatility risk factor is teamed with a “quality factor”—such as high dividend yield or a strongbalance sheet(i.e., low debt andmultiple sources of liquidity)—as a way to try to improverisk-adjusted ...
Term lifeinsurance is designed to last a certain number of years, then end. You choose the term when you take out the policy. Common terms are 10, 20, or 30 years. The best term life insurance policies balance affordability with long-term financial strength.1 ...
As you might know, 'PASALOAD' (pass a load) is the phrase used in the Philippines between people who wish to transfer part of their load balance with friends, family or loved ones. The term is interchangeably used along with 'Share a Load', depending on who you talk to. ...
Hardly an old-stager itself, Netflix summed up the changing power balance in its 2018 earnings report, stating: “We compete with (and lose to) Fortnite more than HBO.” In the past decade, “the mobile revolution has created the biggest market for gaming that has ever existed...