When you know how to cook a turkey add some with vegetables and create a Filipino recipe. The secret to cooking turkey burgers, which have become very popular, is not letting them get too dry. This can be accomplished by adding a little bread crumbs and milk to the fresh ground turkey....
While ground turkey gets a bad rap for being boring, this versatile, affordable meat offers way more than just tired, dry burgers or mundane meatloaf. From stuffed peppers and quinoa casseroles to lettuce wraps and lasagna, you can make endless culinary magic out of a package of ground turkey...
While a rack will allow the grease to drain easily from the burger while cooking, it’s not an absolute necessity to have for great burgers from the oven. The easiest way to cook hamburgers without a rack is to line a pan with foil (like the one above – make sure it is a bit dee...
I used small, boneless and skinless chicken breasts for this recipe. They were about 5-6 ounces each and I think if your chicken breasts are larger, you should cut them into smaller pieces so that the brine has a chance to infuse the chicken before you cook it. Do use 1/4 cup Kosher...
Learn how to bake brownies on the grill. This recipe reimagines the classic as a summer dessert that you throw on the grill at the end of a bbq.
There is a flip side to these excellent devices, though. The cost is one of them. Standing mixers are generally expensive; as a baking beginner, the outlay can be off-putting, especially if it turns out you hate baking or don’t get the chance to bake often. ...
With ideas ranging from breakfast to apps to dinners, these 36 recipes might just turn your opinion of the humble baked potato right on its head.
We hit a homerun on smoking a turkey and thought I'd share the recipe and pics - and it was a ridiculously juicy bird.
This burger cake is simple as can be, using vanilla cakes and a chocolate cake “patty” to make up the burgers and buns. Vanilla buttercream tinted in various colours acts as the condiments – mayo, ketchup, mustard and even lettuce! The trick is to use a few different piping tips. I...
Know your oven!If you know your oven runs a bit on the hot side, either reduce the baking time or the temperature. Similarly, if you know that normally you have to increase the temperature by a few degrees for everything else you bake, then do so accordingly for this recipe!