To use Stardew mods on an Android phone, you need to have the game downloaded either through Google Play or as an APK file. Then, it’s a case of downloading SMAPI (the Stardew Modding API), which you’ll recognize if you’ve ever modded the game on a PC. You can download and ins...
The rest is up to you)Change the Nexus update key line to"UpdateKeys": [ ],or, if you intend to upload the mod, change the numbers inside to the id your mod gets when you start the process of uploading it (you can leave it unpublished without the actual file just yet).3. ...
players have access to add-ons. Unlike mods, these add-ons aren’t free and are heavily restricted compared to PC mods. However, they’re still better than nothing, and they’re incredibly easy to install.
it will take you to a series of folders, then find the stardew valley folder, your saves will be in that, copy and compress the ENTIRE character folder and send it in an email, and then when you receive it back just uncompress and overwrite =) if this isnt simple to follow look for...