How to Lawfully Prevent Workplace ViolenceBarbara E. Hoey
If you have to tackle the situation alone, keep your emotions under control. Don't challenge, judge, glare at, or belittle the aggressor, and avoid telling them to "calm down." Instead, take them seriously, and let them know that you want to talk. Stay calm, speak slowly and clearly,...
Employees in some industries are at higher risk of workplace violence. These includehealthcare workers, peace officers, social services employees, teachers and educators, retail staff, and public transit drivers. People who work at night, in rural or remote areas, and/or work alone also have an...
The court looks at each behavior or act individually to determine whether the overall situation is hostile enough to require some form of legal action. For example, one snide comment from a coworker having a bad day might not create a hostile workplace, but nasty remarks every day probably w...
The Protective Dimension for Resolving Workplace Conflicts Let’s now examine the protective dimension, which is the diagonal that moves between avoiding and compromising. I purposely use the word “protective” to represent when people tend to avoid conflicts, even though not resolving those issues ...
Bullying is a significant distraction that can interfere with a person’s ability to do their job. When someone’s being bullied, they may be less productive and spend their time: Trying to avoid the bully Worrying about future abuse
Workplace sexual harassment can create problems for the organization and its members. The best solution to avoid sexual harassment, and the harm it imposes, is to be proactive rather than reactive. Empowering employees to help prevent sexual harassment starts with knowledge of sexual harassment. View...
Data Reveal How to Predict and Prevent Workplace Violence.The article reports that a new look at data on workplace shooting events and bullying incidents provides security directors with additional insight into their companies' risk of falling victim to tragic workplace events. Overall, while the ...
That doesn’t mean that encouraging your team to manage issues on their own won’t require a little facilitating on your part, especially if you have employees who tend to avoid confrontation. Provide guidance or talking points, if needed, to help each employee approach the other person in a...
It’s crucial to hire employees for a cultural fit to avoid potential problems. Ensure everyone you hire has demonstrably high morals and fits your values. Employers can limit undermining in the workplace by emphasizing moral values within the organization, providing workplace ethics training, and ...