Why You Might See a #SPILL Error in Your Excel Table #SPILL errors occur when there essentiallyisn't enough space for Dynamic Array Functions to spill their results. (For an explanation of these functions and how they work, see this post:Dynamic Array Formulas & Spill Ranges.) For example,...
Part 1: What Does Excel Error of #SPILL! Mean? The Excel error #SPILL! is a common occurrence that can puzzle users when dealing with complex formulas. When using spill formulas that produce multiple results, Excel may encounter conflicts in returning these results to the grid. In this secti...
Volatile functions likeRANDBETWEEN,OFFSET,INDIRECT,NOW(), TODAY(), etc, change the returned output in each re-calculation. So, when you pass down these functions to return an array, Excel fails to estimate the exact size to spill the array. As a result, you’ll get #SPILL! Error. So, ...
error may appear. Solution: Undo the operation (Ctrl+Z) or copy instead of cutting to avoid the error. Solution 4 – Relative Reference Suppose we add an extra amount in CellE6using the referenceG1. Copying CellE6toG5results in a#REF!Error because there’sno cell above G1. Solution: Us...
1. When the #SPILL Range Isn’t BlankYou’ll encounter the #SPILL error when the Excel formula needs to return results in cells that aren’t all empty.There are two ways to solve the error if the range isn’t blank. When using the following two methods, values in the range won’t ...
1] Spill range isn’t blank Spill range isn’t blank is one of the common error messages associated with the #SPILL! error in Excel. This error message is triggered when the range of spill for a spilled array formula is not blank. The fix to this error is to clear any data from the...
Tip.The first two methods (Fill horizontal alignment and row height + wrap text) will also work in this scenario. These are four quick and easy ways to remove cell's spill-over in Excel. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week!
Possible reasons to encounter #SPILL Error are : The Spill range contains some value because of which the results cannot be populated in the cells The Spill range has merged cells. When old sheets(created using Excel 2016 or earlier) with formulas supporting the implicit intersection are opened ...
To find the problem causing the #SPILL error: Click on the error icon next to the SPILL error. Check the option first in the consequent drop-down list. The problem here is the text “ABC” in Cell B3. And Excel has spotted the problem that the spill range isn’t blank. ...
Read More: How to Find Reference Errors in Excel Solution 3 – Cutting and Pasting Issues When we cut and paste data into Column C, the #REF! error may appear. Solution: Undo the operation (Ctrl+Z) or copy instead of cutting to avoid the error. Solution 4 – Relative Reference Suppos...