Apply a shaving gel/cream to your scalp with a shaving brush and start to lather it up. Once your head is covered in foam, proceed toshave your head along the contours of your hairline. Shave in the direction your hair grows in small, inch-long strokes. Depending on the thickness of y...
It has closely spaced blades to avoid nicks and cuts. Shave Cream – Good old-fashioned soap and water aren’t going to cut it when you’re cutting your pubic hair. Shaving cream creates a layer of protection between the blades and your skin. We like Gillette Intimate Pubic Shave Cream ...
Now you're ready to rock. Perfect Shave Tip #4 What's The Best Way To Get A Good Lather? What To Look For (And What To Avoid) According to research, the chemicals you want to avoid in shaving creams are called parabens, which link to asthma. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a clea...
We’ll discuss the various steps in the process from start to finish, while hopefully helping you to avoid common shaving issues such as skin irritation, nicks, and cuts. Let’s begin. How to Shave Armpits in 10 Simple, Illustrated Steps (for Guys) Any guide on how to shave your armpits...
Roughly rubbing a poorly functioning electric razor over your skin repeatedly won't do anything to bring you a sense of relief. If you have a bad shaving rash and the freedom to avoid shaving for a few weeks, most ingrown hairs will eventually free themselves when left alone. The same ...
3) How to Shave Your Underarms With the OUI Razor The same rules about pressure apply when shaving your underarms with a safety razor, adding pressure results in irritation. Since hair grows in a few patterns under your arms, move up, down, and across if you find one direction doesn't...
If you decide to shave your pubic hair, you want to be prepared with the right tools and info to avoid getting any nicks, bumps, or razor burns. The process might seem pretty self-explanatory — how much different can it be from shaving your legs or armpits, right? Actually, the pubic...
. Avoid accidental nicks of blemishes by shaving lightly, shaving in the direction of thehairfollicles, and shaving only when you have to. You can try different razors to find the one that is most comfortable for your skin.
To avoid nicks and cuts that often occur behind the ankle, flex your heel to stretch the skin whilst you shave. Around the sensitive bikini area follow the direction of the hairs’ growth to help prevent irritation. Remember when shaving don’t press too hard, let the blades do the work....
Before you start shaving away, it’s important to have the right tools on hand for the job. Not only will having the right tools make shaving a breeze, but they’ll also help you achieve comfortable grooming, ensuring you avoid nicks, cuts, infections, and irritations. Trimmer One of th...