Loss of muscle mass, also called sarcopenia, is often considered a normal part of aging. Just like bone density decreases with age, loss of muscle mass and strength also occurs. Loss of skeletal muscle mass may start as early as in our thirties and appears to continue for the rest of our...
Presents an interview with French writer Jacques Attali, who argues America must declare war on its own short-term thinking if it wishes to avoid becoming an economic stepchild to Japan and Europe. Considers such subjects as America's search for short-term gains, US military muscle, US support...
“Taking her out to dinner tointeract with other people, rather than just being at home all the time, is another thing we do to help her stay engaged,” Voelpel adds. She encourages younger family members to stay engaged with older relatives to avoidsocial isolation and loneliness, which...
But age-related muscle loss isn’t just a cosmetic issue. So much of the loss of function and vitality that commonly accompanies aging actually begins with this gradual loss of muscle tissue starting in mid-life. As we lose muscle, we lose strength and stamina and this means we can’t do...
So, while it’s best to avoid lengthy layoffs, there is no need to fear breaks of 2-3 weeks or less. However, if you want to minimize lost gains when you cannot train, the seven strategies in this article will help. References: ...
How do I avoid weight loss stretch marks during weight loss – Summary? Moisturizing, exfoliating and using a serum with Vitamin E can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks. These three steps should be implemented regularly to keep your skin healthy and elastic as it stretches out from ...
Focus on Proper Technique– Make sure you’re using the proper technique when you’re stretching. This will help you to avoid injury and get the most benefit from each stretch. Hold Each Stretch for an Adequate Amount of Time– When you’re holding a stretch, make sure you hold ...
Build Muscle, Lose Fat, Look Great: Everything You Need to Know to Transform Your Body A guide which provides instruction on how to transform your body and improve your health. It helps readers learn: how to train; how to master exercise technique; how to avoid new injuries, and heal old...
Sports Performance Bulletinhighlights that while technology can be a useful way to monitor performance and fatigue, you should never neglect the power of self-monitoring. Only YOU know how you truly feel - both in relation to fatigue, soreness and your training. To avoidburnout or overtraining, ...
Back to the point… I imagine you woke up two days later and asked, “why are my muscles so sore after that workout.” And there was very likely a loss of strength too. This soreness we’re referring to is called DOMS, or delayed onset of muscle soreness. So, what causes it and ...