With long-haul flights a big part of my work, I’ve spent a lot of time trying to overcome jet lag, and beat it at its own game. Some travel writers said that they barely notice changes to their circadian rhythm, and that long-term travel leads to more of the same. But my own b...
Jet lag. Luckily, Mike Massimino, a former NASA Astronaut, has the secrets to beatingjet lagfor good. In honor of the very first-ever National Lose the Jet Lag Day (put on by the suite ofUnited credit cards from Chase), T+L sat down with Massimino, who is also an advisor to the ...
The most crucial step for beating jet lag is to prepare before you even leave home. About a week before your trip, try altering your bedtime by a mere 30-45 minutes a night. If you’re going to be flying east, shift your bedtime 30 minutes earlier than usual. If you’re heading we...
Traveling to a different time zone can be exciting—but the time change can take some getting used to. Depending on how far you travel, it may be necessary to take specific steps to adapt to a new time zone and avoid the symptoms ofjet lag, which can make your journey less enjoyable. ...
That’s right – before you even book your flight, there’s much you can do to avoid jet lag. Travel time: If you’re traveling far enough that the trip will take several hours, opt for a departure time that suits your sleep schedule. If you’re able to sleep while you fly, go ...
Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Don't eat heavy meals. Stay well-hydrated. Move around as much as possible. Ways to Manage Jet Lag Your best bet is to adapt yourself to the routine of your destination's time zone as soon as possible. Here are some ways to do that: ...
You don’t have to have the physical regimen of Taylor Swift to avoid jet lag, either, though. First, there are two base things you need to do. Adjust to the local time of your destination as soon as possible, generally as soon as you board your flight. That means eati...
travel—the fatigue, the disorientation, and especially that pesky inner alarm that wakes you up at 4:00 a.m. and sends you stumbling back to bed before dinnertime. While there’s no real cure, the advice below explains how to avoid jet lag and which remedies are most likely to help....
Avoid Alcohol We don’t drink alcohol when we fly. When we were new travelers, we jumped at the chance to have a glass of wine on a flight, but we paid for it later. The effects of alcohol are greater at altitude and a person becomes dehydrated quickly when flying. ...
This way, you can try to fly in the morning. That way, you can try to sleep on the plane at your usual time and arrive at your destination rested. This works especially well if you are flying east. If you’re flying west, it’s a good idea to land in the evening. You’ll be...