If you start doing this, you're going to be able to start hitting the ball lower, start compressing it and trapping it, but it's imperative that you work on it very, very slowly. Start hitting left-handed shots only, just going to here and stopping. Then as you get better you're ...
As Rob mentions there’s no way for anyone to tell if you are hitting to high and that height is causing you distance without seeing numbers. With that said looking at what your ball is doing at the apex will indicate if you are spinning the ball too much and losing distance. If y...
Moser used hitting a golf ball as an analogy. “You can read 1,000 things or watch 1,000 videos on how to hit a golf ball. But until you go out there and hit the golf ball, you’re not really going to learn how to do it. So I think the behind the wheel element is very ...
Roughly 80% of the direction of your golf shots is a result of where your club face points at impact – we call this club face angle. The most critical factor inhitting the golf ball towards your target is squaring the club face at impact– 61 to 83% of the ball’s start direction,...
Was not sure if this belonged in the health and fitness or swing forums. Some quick background, Sept 2019 tore my left bicep tendon clean off the bone. Surgery, rehab and a year off and it is not the same, but I can play. being right hand dominant led to
How to Hit a Driver Low Sorry, you need to be a member to access this video. You Are Just Seconds Away -Become a member here! Already a member?Log in now
Relax when you address the ball. Tension is a major cause of a hurried swing tempo. Be deliberate with all the actions you take prior to taking your stance and setting the club behind the ball. Walk up to your ball slowly. Take relaxed, easy practice swings. ...
If you are struggling to master iron shot, the possibilities are you are not hitting low enough. We will discuss the techniques to hone your iron skills in upcoming segments. Should I Hit Long and Short Irons the Same Way? There are few distinctions between long and short iron shots. Simil...
One more thing about hitting a provisional: If you hit one off the tee and it lands in the middle of the fairway and you’re pretty sure your original ball will be in a precarious spot if it’s somehow found, you can elect not...
How To:Hit down on a golf ball This video shows the viewer how to ‘hit down on a golf swing’. The idea of hitting down on a gold swing is that when you take your club back you do not move backwards. You stay ‘over the ball’ and simply rotate back using your hips. You then...