Cruise lines increased the availability of hand sanitizer on ships as part of their COVID-19 precautions. You may want to keep your own little bottle handy too. Since you will touch shared surfaces such as handrails, elevator buttons, bathroom doors and the serving utensils at the buffet, yo...
Viruses and bacteria spread quickly on ships, but experts say good hygiene and advance planning can help you keep sickness at bay.
Santa Cruz Galapagos Island Guide: What to Do, Where to Eat, & Where to Stay on Santa Cruz We’ve also created a detailed 15-page downloadable guide to visiting the Galapagos Islands without a cruise. Sign up below to get the guide send straight to your inbox! Get the FREE...
You can also check Egyptian train times using a third-party app on your phone, both for planning and when in Egypt. Unlike the ENR website, these show all stations and all trains, air-con & non-air-con. And when you get to Egypt, using an app on your phone is easier than asking...
If your intestines have twisted into knots and you find yourself sitting on the porcelain throne more often, you might wonder if something’s in the water—and there very well could be. As we enter spring, cases of norovirus are beginning to rise, including an outbreak on a cruise ship. ...
There are plenty of ways to earn a buck with your own two hands, and the internet has opened up a wealth of opportunities for digital nomads and remote workers (even more so in our new post-COVID world). Many van lifers do seasonal work of some kind, earning as much as possible ...
A couple of years back, the van life craze had everyone curious about rubber-tramping across North America. Maybe you thought, nah, I prefer my city apartment or jet-setting abroad. Then COVID-19 hit. All of a sudden, getting out of Dodge with a house on wheels started to sound really...
or discrete as governments announce policies that last for a month or longer. We seek to identify the theoretical impact of the proportion of asymptomatic COVID-19 infections on the magnitude of an epidemic under three different behavior change scenarios. To this end, we develop a compartmental ...
In September,the city announcedthe daily fee for cruise ship day visitors will go from 8 to 11 euros (about $8.50 to $11.60), while the nightly fee built into hotel room prices will jump to 12.5% of the room rate. But even with such initiatives in place, Amsterdam is still expected t...
“So when ‘The Love Boat’ came on and showed people of all ages and races having fun and being lively on a cruise ship, that opened up cruising to a world that didn’t really know it existed.” Each week, tens of millions of people around the world would tune in to follow the...