Usually, at the end of every year, news of millions of PUBG Mobile accounts getting banned always stirs the hornet’s nest. As it stands, players who used unfair means, mods, and hacks to win the game are slapped with a “PUBG account banned for 3650 days“. To date, notices of “...
Learn how to avoid a VAC ban in CS2 ✅ understanding. ✅ Understand what activities you should avoid, to prevent undeserved Valve Anti-Cheat cases.
To help put context to many of the topics covered in this guide, my use-case/configuration is:A desktop class computer... With a single NIC... Connected to a consumer grade router... Getting a dynamic WAN IP provided by the ISP... With WAN+LAN on IPV4... And LAN using ...
I assume you're using this guide because you, hopefully, already understand why good security is important. That is a heavy topic onto itself and breaking it down is out-of-scope for this guide. If you don't know the answer to that question, I advise you research it first....
can cause a macro to skip over spells/abilities-whichCOULDbe lifesaving, wiping, victory, or defeat, become random casts and flag those users for pressing a button at inhuman speeds whichCOULD POSSIBLYbe grounds for aBANfrom Blizzard. Then in comes: “ZOMG! BlIzZ bAnNeD mE fOr uSiNg gSe!
Some people will put two muscular groups per day, for example: Tuesday might be “Back & Biceps” instead of just back. That, in an overly-simplified way, is it. Chris Hemsworth’s secret to getting huge: Eat a horrendous amount of calories (the right calories — emphasizing brown rice,...
That was still in June of 2020, when all the rumors were circulating that TikTok is going to disappear or be banned — all that noise. I had all these people in my ear convincing me that my whole business was going to vanish, so I decided that I’d better hedge my risk here. I ...
Connected to a consumer grade router... Getting a dynamic WAN IP provided by the ISP... With WAN+LAN on IPV4... And LAN using NAT... That I want to be able to SSH to remotely from unknown computers and unknown locations (i.e. a friend's house).(Table of Contents)Editing...
To help put context to many of the topics covered in this guide, my use-case/configuration is:A desktop class computer... With a single NIC... Connected to a consumer grade router... Getting a dynamic WAN IP provided by the ISP... With WAN+LAN on IPV4... And LAN using NAT... ...
Connected to a consumer grade router... Getting a dynamic WAN IP provided by the ISP... With WAN+LAN on IPV4... And LAN using NAT... That I want to be able to SSH to remotely from unknown computers and unknown locations (i.e. a friend's house).(Table of Contents)E...