Financial conflict is the number one cause for divorce in the United States. One of the greatest tests that any couple will face is how they deal with their financial problems in marriage. Since prevention is always better than cure, here are some ways to avoid financial problems in your mar...
AP AUDIO: How to avoid financial stress during the holiday season AP correspondent Haya Panjwani reports on spending during the holidays. “People get into ‘justification mode’ where you have a general sense of what you want to spend but then you see this really nice thing and all ...
In“FAKE”, I explain why we founded The Rich Dad Company in the first place: to give people financial education so that they can thrive whether the markets are up or down. As the old saying goes, “Knowledge is power.” In “Fake,” I hope to give you the knowledge you need to f...
Learn how to avoid financial problemsE, Donald
Gleb Tsipursky How to Avoid Financial and Life Disasters, with Dr. Gleb Tsipursky What process do you use to make decisions? “Uhh … I put together a pros and cons list!” “I harness my awesome spreadsheet skills and work out the variables in cells.” “I ask others for their ...
Even after extensive planning and identifying the symptoms you may still find yourself needing to drastically improve your cash flow. This may be due to a simple financial oversight, an economic crisis or a number of other reasons. If you need to find quick and proven solutions to increase you...
To avoid overspending on gifts for family and friends, set a specific goal, said Matt Watson, CEO of Origin, a financial planning app. Ask yourself what your spending limit is before you start shopping. “People get into ‘justification mode’ where you have a general sense of what you ...
The market is flooded with not only cheap, but also illegal copies of electronic components from counterfeiters around the world. Saving a few cents on the BOM, however, can cause some costly issues in the field. To avoid all these financial and legal troubles, RECOM urges customers to buy ...
Ⅱ.七选五How to Better Manage Money Financial problems can easily appear if left unmanaged. 1 Here are some simple ways to improve your money management.Record all your expenses. Put down your expenses under areas such as car payment, electric bill, grocery,entertainment, study and other expense...
Additionally, avoid any “foreign currency cards” where you can pre-load money and lock in the exchange rate. Seems like a good idea, right? Wrong! You are basically trying to predict the exchange rate and betting you can beat the market. You’re saying this rate is not going to get ...