If you have to speak in front of others, use a microphone. Avoid singing. Drink plenty of fluids. Early on, swallowing may be painful, but the more you’re hydrated, the better. However, avoid alcohol and caffeine. Use humidifiers and menthol inhalers. Moisture is your friend, and mentho...
In 1796, aphysiciannamed Edward Jenner decided to prove a theory that had been circulating for some time. Smallpox once killed millions of people worldwide. Cowpox was a less serious disease related to smallpox that milkmaids often caught through exposure to infected cows. Jenner noticed that mi...
Using honey to soothe the throat 4. Bacterial laryngitis Bacterial laryngitis is rare. In unimmunized children, it can lead to a deadly disease called epiglottitis, which can cause rapid swelling and blockage of the airway. Children with an intense and sudden sore throat, drooling, and incomple...