它提供了一个关于气候危机的总体理论框架,帮助建立了大局观。 我按照书中内容做了思维导图笔记的整理,也一并发了上来,供有兴趣的同学参考。但这本书很建议感兴趣的同学亲自读读原书,了解一下这个二十一世纪人类面临的共同挑战,和机遇 。 全书主要章节 关于理解climate change的五大问题 供电 制造业 农业 运输,供...
How to Avoid dAngerous ClimAte CHAnge How to Avoid dAngerous ClimAte CHAngeReductions, Emissions
To avoid a climate disaster, we have to get to zero. We need to deploy the tools we already have, like solar and wind, faster and smarter. And we need to create and roll out breakthrough technologies that can take us the rest of the way. The case for zero was, and is, rock...
Bill Gates is a philanthropist and climate change evangelist. But he knows full well that his life as a billionaire and business tycoon also makes him "an imperfect messenger on climate change," he writes in his new book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster." "I can't deny being a rich...
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Chapter 1: Why Zero? One-fifth of the carbon dioxide emitted today will still be there in 10,000 years. Molecule for molecule, many of these other gases cause more warming than carbon dioxide does—in the case of methane, 120 times more warming the moment...
As Bill Gates makes clear, achieving zero emissions will not be simple or easy to do, but if we follow the plan he sets out here, it is a goal firmly within our reach. 更多全部 声音(7)评价(3) 正序|倒序 1 How to Avoid a Climate Disaster-Part01 ...
Gates (The Road Ahead), Microsoft cofounder turned philanthropist, is optimistic in this cogent guide to avoiding “the worst effects of climate change.” Gates’s goal is to get from the 51 billion tons of greenhouse gasses added to the atmosphere annually to zero. This is possible, he wri...
Talk about it. In order to avoid some of the worst impacts of climate change, fast action is needed. The more people who know the facts about this issue, the quicker an impact can be made. Share what you learn with your neighbors and other parents to help make everyone more aware of ...
I wrote How to Avoid a Climate Disaster because I think we’re at a crucial moment. I’ve seen exciting progress in the more than 15 years that I’ve been learning about energy and climate change. The cost of renewable energy from the sun and wind has dropped dramatically. There’s mor...
In this urgent, authoritative book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical—and accessible—plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe. Bill Gates has spent a decade investigating the causes ...