because there’s little i can do to avoid offending them. it’s just in their nature to be offended — they look for it and almost welcome it because it validates their militant or liberal self-imange. [i used to be one of those...
One of the major findings in last 50 years has been what people had suspected all along: human thinking and judgment often isn’t rational. By this, I mean given a situation where someone has to make a decision, she will often take a decision that “leaps” to her immediately rather tak...
When people make irrational decisions, it’s probably because of some human biases they have. These unconscious errors in our thinking can influence everything from the food we buy to the investments we make. Every day, behavioural bias has a huge impact in the world of finance. You might a...
SM: Andy is our guest this episode and will to try and keep us firmly planted in that realm of the rational. He’ll break down five common cognitive biases when it comes to investing and how you can avoid them. I’m Stephen Meurice and this is Perspectives. ...
Here are some ways to avoid stupid opinions. First and foremost, it is essential to cultivate a habit of self-awareness. Recognize your own biases and limitations. We all have preconceived notions and preferences that can cloud our judgment. By being conscious of these, we can strive to ...
Otherwise, your people will lose trust in the process, become disengaged, and lose the motivation to use the performance review as an opportunity to make improvements and grow. 10 biases that affect performance reviews 1. Recency biasWhat is recency bias?
In this blog, we’ll explore some easy ways to avoid bias and make sure everyone gets a fair shot. Know Your Biases: The first step to avoiding bias is knowing it exists. We all have our own ideas and opinions, and sometimes, these can affect how we see others. Take a moment to ...
In this piece, I want to point out five of the most common types of cognitive biases. I will also offer some suggestions on how data scientists can work to avoid them and make better, more reasoned decisions. Survivorship Bias During World War II, researchers from the non-profit research ...
In his bookThinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman highlights many experimental studies of the biases that infect human decision-making. Because decision-making relies so heavily on intuition, it makes a real difference to economic performance and should be every FD’s concern. ...
One of my favorite tools for thinking through thinking is the Ladder of Inference. You can use the Ladder of Inference to avoid cognitive biases or work through them better. The Ladder of Inference is especially effective to help you avoid jumping to conclusions. ...