Blood pressure (BP) screenings are part of nearly every routine medical visit for good reason.Nearly half of US adultsdeal with elevated BP. High blood pressure, or hypertension, may have minimal symptoms, if any at all. Despite this, untreated hypertension often leads to an increased risk of...
Apply the blood pressure cuff at the person’s thigh; it does not matter which leg you use.You will also want to place your stethoscope over the person’s popliteal artery to listen to the pulse as you take the measurement.The popliteal artery is located behind the knee and is easily acc...
or the pancreas in a condition o low blood sugar, or weakness o the adrenal glands (two small glands located above the kidneys). Average Blood Pressure Rates: • Systolic 110 to 150 • Diastolic 60 to 80 4 mONITORING YOUR BLOOD PRessURe ...
Having your blood pressure checked once a year or even once a month is like putting your head out the window every Christmas day to see what the weather's like for the whole year. It's pretty meaningless. High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a problem for many. But it'...
You may, for example, shop and go out to eat more often after getting a raise. As a result, despite making more money, your discretionary income doesn't feel like it's increased. To prevent this, ensure you have a financial plan in place and revisit it whenever your income increas...
Take our short quiz to find out how self-confident you are right now. You'll also discover ways to improve your confidence levels by building self-efficacy. Why Self-Confidence Matters Self-confidence is vital in almost every aspect of our lives, yet many people struggle to find it. Sadly...
How to prevent or reverse high blood pressure You don’t have to try everything all at once to make big changes. Small but steady changes diet and lifestyle changes are also important on your way toimproving your blood pressure. Get moving every day.When it comes to lowering blood pressure...
Traditionally, survey-based methods are a great place to start to get the lay of the land from your employees, which can be used as the basis from which to do more in-depth research. Pulse surveys Employee pulse surveys are short surveys that can be sent out frequently. They traditionally...
Promote efficient temperature regulation throughout your lower extremities i.e. prevent cold feet. One of the best therapies that you can use to promote optimal blood flow throughout your legs and feet isacupressure, which involves applying deep and steady pressure to specific locations. ...
It takes about 31 days for these small stones to pass on an average. It is generally safe to wait four to six weeks for these small-sized kidney stone to pass out of the body. If they still cause problem and do not pass out, your doctor may recommend other procedures to remove them...