Come January, it is time to claim your annual reimbursements such as medical and leave travel allowance (LTA). These reimbursements are as good as tax savings. The difference being that you submit the required bills and treat them as tax-free income If LTA forms a part of your salary, the...
Had to use the FeatureLayerCollection class from the arcgis Features module. Then used the manager helper object to overwrite my existing hosted table. # this allows me to access the manager helper object to overwrite my currently existing hosted table (commRecTable) from arcgis...
Hi everyone, I am very new to splunk and im trying to map out some car park relevant data on Google Maps app but to no avail. Do I need to do any other configurations for it to work? I tried these searches: sourcetype="ltaCarpark" | head 25 | rename entry.content.m:properties.d...
You need to forgo Rs 5 lakh tax deduction to shift to new tax regime. I do not see how it would make any sense.The new regime is only beneficial to people who had very tax inefficient salary or did not avail on any deductions in the past (like senior citizens on interest & pension ...
If you have received any portion of your salary in arrears or in advance, or you have received family pension in arrears, you can avail some tax relief under section 89(1) read along with Rule 21A. Calculate Relief under Section 89(1) ...