including your credit history and usage of the card. If you’re a cardholder in good standing, BPI typically grants this request. They usually first check your monthly card usage and payments history, and if you’ve been assessed as a customer in good standing, they usually decide to ...
To avail of the Huawei Vision S GPlan, you may use GCash, credit card, BPI Installment, debit card or cash on delivery. Hope this helps if ever you have plans of availing the Huawei Vision S thru Globe's Beyond Plan. This is surely a good deal especially the freebies and zero cash...
Any services that you would want to avail yourself of within the Grab Application, you can pay using your mobile wallet. Grab offers some perks when you use GrabPay. Each time you book for a GrabCar, the application will prompt you to use your “payment method,” either credit card/debit...
Most of my money has been in “hold” status by my BPI branch for the secured credit card they have issued me. It has 6-digit credit limit. I do not have ITR by the time I was applying for a credit card so I opted to convert my savings to a hold-out deposit for me to have ...