\\n \\\"jest.autoRun\\\": {},\\n \\\"json.format.enable\\\": false,\\n \\\"terminal.integrated.defaultProfile.linux\\\": \\\"zsh\\\",\\n \\\"window.zoomLevel\\\": -1,\\n \\\"cloudcode.autoDependencies\\\": \\\"off\\\"\\n}\\n\"}","keybindings":"{\"key...
Task manager can be disabled manually, but more commonly it's disabled by a virus. It's easy to re-enable once you're virus-free.
One thing to note is that it's quite possible that if you're in an environment managed by a centralized policy, these settings may have no effect. Your IT administrator may set things up so as to disable Task Manager, and other things as well at the domain level. You'll need to ask...
One thing to note is that it's quite possible that if you're in an environment managed by a centralized policy, these settings may have no effect. Your IT administrator may set things up so as to disable Task Manager, and other things as well at the domain level. You'll need to ask...