Laravel: Using try-catch with DB::transaction(), Sometimes you need to do a series of SQL queries, and every one of these is so tied together that, if one fails for whatever reason, then you call rollback all queries. and try-catch block helps you to catch the error of why the que...
import Echo from "laravel-echo" window.Pusher = require('pusher-js'); window.Echo = new Echo({ broadcaster: 'pusher', key: 'process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY', wsHost: window.location.hostname, wsPort: 6001, forceTLS: false, disableStats: true, }); Then compile the assets by running...
The Laravel configuration files are located in a directory calledconfig, inside the application’s root directory. Additionally, a.envfile is used to set upenvironment-dependent configuration, such as credentials and any information that might vary between deploys. This file is not incl...
You can use any database management system, but this tutorial uses MariaDB, which has a similar connection to Laravel as MySQL. The Laravel configuration is the same in both databases.Create a New Laravel ProjectYou can now start creating the blog using Laravel. For this tutorial, we used a...
// be sure to import Illuminate\Http\Response returnnewResponse($output); } Most legacy apps useechoto display their content, so the calls toob_start()andob_get_clean()allow us to capture that output into the$outputvariable usingoutput buffering, so we can wrap it in a Laravel response....
In Laravel 8 we can load Component with Inertiajs We initialize Inertia in app.blade.php with this @inertia After that in app.js file, we can initialize it like this: const app = document.getElementById('app'); new Vue({ render: (h) => h...
With that, you now know how to install and import Bootstrap with Laravel and Vite. 🎉 The finished code is available on my GitHub in thelaravel-vite-and-bootstraprepository and can be stepped through commit by commit. Til next time, have a great day. 👋...
Laravel Application Set Up To begin, clone theproject template. Then, create a.envfile in the project’s root directory and copy the contents of.env.exampleinto it. Next, complete the setup using the following commands to install the application dependencies and generate the app key. ...
We will do this using theReact-router-dompackage we installed.Inmain.jsx, make the following changes to allow for routing in the application: import { BrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom"; ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render( ...
This tutorial will show how to use theTwitter Streaming APIsto process tweets in real-time from a Laravel application. There are a variety of use cases for this: perhaps you want to auto-respond to mentions of your company, run a contest via Twitter, or create support tickets when users ...