Disabilities Act (ADA), it is more crucial than ever to make sure your organization’s websites and digital services are accessible to people with a range of abilities. The first step in any accessibility strategy is assessing your existing digital products, more commonly, your organization’s ...
Note If using Microsoft Teams panels, the same Teams Rooms resource account signs in to the Teams Rooms device and any associated Teams panels.Before you beginRequirementsYou may need one or more roles to create, license, and configure resource accounts....
Note If using Microsoft Teams panels, the same Teams Rooms resource account signs in to the Teams Rooms device and any associated Teams panels.Before you beginRequirementsYou may need one or more roles to create, license, and configure resource accounts....
Here is a complete guide to everything you need to know about how to work and communicate asynchronously in a remote work environment. Learn more!
Guide to vendor portal development with CEO advice on how to keep portal costs in check. Includes key features, steps, and tips for operational efficiency.
It’s easy to create an electronic signature in Microsoft Word without leaving the app, and no need to print or scan a signature. Follow this simple guide.Do you want to learn how to create an electronic signature in Word? There are more than 1.2 billion Microsoft Office users, and the ...
How to automatically assign roles for externally authenticated users (either LDAP Authenticated or using Direct Authentication Method)? Auto-assign roles to users based on the external group membership that they live in. Environment Red Hat Satellite 6.1 and above ...
When adding users, you can assign them built-in roles.For custom role assignments, use Access control (IAM) within the Azure portal. Learn more about hub role-based access control.To add grant users permissions from the Azure portal:
In a perfect world, your mobile app requirements stated in a PRD should be: Complete. For example, each functional requirement should contain enough information for developers to be able to implement it correctly. If you have some gaps, mark them as TBD (to be determined) and follow up on...
How do i assign custom app roles to a function app that's using managed identity service principal? I have an app service that uses managed identity but I am unable to assign app roles (custom app roles for the API) to the service principal. I've looked in enterprise apps but...