In general, how to determine which of several peaks in a chromatogram obtained for a mouthwash sample might correspond to ethanol? (Is the suggested method 100% reliable?) How to use that peak to determine how much ethanol is present in the mouthwash? Chromatogram: A chro...
Related to this Question For each compound, assign likely structures to the fragments at each \frac{m}{z} value, and explain how each fragment is formed. (b) CH_2=C(CH_3)CH_2CH_2OH: peaks at \frac{m}{z} = 71, 68, 41, 31 ...
Integrated meta-omics approaches hold the potential to resolve the fundamental niches and realized niches of microbial populations in situ15. The former represents the exhaustive inventory of resource ranges and conditions sustaining viability in the absence of environmental stress, competition, or predation...
In addition, each spectrum was manually checked to ensure that the monoisotopic peaks were correctly identified. 4.4. Top-Down and Bottom-Up Proteomics The proteome of midgut secretions of larval stages of L. noctiluca was analyzed using both top-down and bottom-up strategies as described in [...
The MN parameters were as follows: minimum cosine score 0.70; 0.1 Da parent mass tolerance, 0.5 Da as fragment ion tolerance to create consensus spectra, more than 6 matched peaks, and a minimum cluster size of 2. All of the matches kept between network spectra and library spectra were ...
A denaturation-then-titration strategy (assigning the protein under harsh conditions and then titrating to physiological conditions; see Supplementary Information) was used to assign the chemical shifts of the protein. In addition to standard pulse sequences (HNCO, HN(CA)CO, HNCA, HN(CO)CA, ...