Are there any APDL commands that can be used, or any tool that enforce the energy probe to select certain material for instant ? or any other solutions for this sistuation ? or is it possiple to use a pattern for the bolts configuration and assign the energy probe to this pattern ? Ma...
It will show 1 Part, 1 Body. Expand that last line and click on the Line Body. Now in the Details View, you can assign the Cross Section. All bodies are assigned a material in Mechanical and the default is Structural Steel, but you can create your own material and assign it to the ...
“Thermal is interesting because a lot of electrical properties and material properties tend to be temperature-dependent,” says Ansys’ Morgan. “As things get hotter, that will affect the electrical property, which will in turn affect the heat that’s being generated, and then back into ...
It is essential to turn on large displacements. The mechanical stiffness of the model depends on material properties, contacts, and geometry. Large displacements refer to changes in model stiffness due to geometric changes, and ignoring geometric non-linearity can lead to convergence difficulties and ...