A dryer duct cleaning kit is necessary for doing your own dryer vent cleaning. Cleaning the vent and duct regularly will prevent dryer fires. Benjamin Clapp/Shutterstock Assemble the cleaning kit. Attach the brush to one of the flexible rods. Insert the brush into the vent and slowly spin ...
but if you want really luxurious looking vases, the longer feathers are better. If you want to see the difference…when you’re looking at the pictures below, the vases with the white feathers are using longer ones, the vases with the colored feathers...
I built awind turbineto provide some power on the remote property. It works great, when the wind blows. However, I wanted more power, and more dependable power. The wind seems to blow all the time on my property, except when I really need it too. I've also been experimenting with a...
A DIY backdrop stand is an easy and affordable way to take creative photos at home. To make one, you’ll need PVC pipes, T-pipes, and elbow pipes from a hardware store. Assemble the legs using the pipes to form a sturdy base. Attach a long pipe across the top using T-pipes and ...
Contemporary snap-together flooring products that resemble wood or other surfaces, but are made of plastic, and other pre-finished and ready-to-assemble wood flooring products are a much more modern product. Sadly the laminate floor shown at left was ruined by a building flood. Pressure from ex...
The protein–detergent complex isolated after purification is a flexible structure, which can prevent the protein from assembling into the rigid lattice-like arrays that are required for crystallization. To overcome this problem, the polar surfaces of the isolated proteins can be increased or ...
When setting up and solving models using any of the physics from the Acoustics Module, an add-on to the COMSOL Multiphysics® software, we generate so-calledsolver suggestions. These are predefined solvers (typically iterative solvers) where we have made all necessary settings such that they app...
Assembly diagram showing how to assemble the snap-on panel legs. Letters coincide with the above fitting diagram. *Quick Tip* The shape of the legs are great for placing sandbags on, whenever you are on location and it is breezy.
Now I’ve got 10 individual parallel groups and I’m going to assemble them in series to make a single ebike battery pack. 10 parallel groups all welded up with nowhere to go… When it comes to layout, there are two ways to assemble cells in straight packs (rectangular packs like I ...
I decided to make 2 sub-panels of 18 cells each just so make it easier to assemble later. So there is a center divider across the middle of the box. Each sub-panel will fit into one well in the main panel. Here is my sort of back of the envelope sketch showing the overall ...