由标题“How to Ask for a Raise (如何要求加薪)”,上文“Picture this: Your heart is racing and you’re starting to sweat a little as you walk into your boss’s office to ask for a bigger paycheck. Don’t worry. (想象一下:当你走进老板的办公室要求加薪时,你的心跳加速,开始有点出汗。别...
“I’m just terrified to ask for a raise,” Raj, a systems manager at a global software company recently told us. “I feel like if my boss turns me down, our relationship will be negatively impacted.” Raj isn’t the first person to express his fears to us about asking for a raise...
Everything you need to know about how to ask for a raise, from prep to best timing to what to say. If you don’t ask, you’re potentially giving up a significant amount of money just to avoid a conversation that could be as short as five minutes.
In a perfect world, you wouldn't need to ask for a raise, as your boss would notice your hard work and do it unprompted. But that rarely ever happens. So make sure to take the initiative and convey your intentions in a clear and professional way. You can say something like this: "T...
1. Wait a year or the typical amount of time it takes for your company to promote employees. Know when it's the right time to ask for a raise. For most employers, the rule of thumb is to wait for one year before asking your manager for a raise. However, if your company conducts ...
How to Ask for What You Want – and Get It The way you initially bring up the subject of a raise depends on your manager’s personality, and you probably already have a sense of how she likes to be approached. If your boss is the type who doesn’t beat around the bush, it...
Asking for a raiseis a strategic decision, and can be deployed in many different ways. You just need to pick the right one! Today we’ll show you how the best way to ask for a raise without getting yelled out of your boss’ office. ...
PAY RAISE INTERVIEW TIP #5 When is a good time to ask for a pay raise? Well, the best time to speak to your boss about a pay raise is: When the company is performing well financially, and there is a good feel around the organization! You will know in your company when...
How to ask for a raise When requesting a raise, do your best to have the discussion face to face, ideally in a scheduled meeting where you can professionally talk to your boss. Avoid asking for a raise over the phone, through a text message or viaemail, as these methods may limit disc...
Here’s how to get ready to ask for a raise. Do Your Homework I still get a sinking feeling in my stomach when I remember how I learned the importance of research and preparation, over two decades ago. I strolled into my boss’s office first thing on a Monday morning and practically...